Rabbi Jonathan’s Drop-In Office Hour
Wednesday, March 26th, 7:00pm – 8:00pm
Open to Mishkan Ha’am Members and She’arim families.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 846 5477 0828
Passcode: officehour
Dinner and Shabbat Service
Friday, March 28th, 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Location TBD. Anyone want to host this at your home?
Community Learning
Sunday, March 30th, 11:00am – 1:00pm
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 814 9344 2319
Last year, Rabbi Shai Held’s book, Judaism is About Love made waves in both Jewish and Christian popular and academic circles. On the whole Held observes, Jews and Christians alike have adopted the view that Christianity prioritizes and centers love while Judaism is more concerned with issues such as law, ritual practice, and justice. Held rejects this claim and argues with deep and thorough grounding in Jewish tradition that this understanding skews and obscures the centrality of love in Judaism.
Partially inspired by this recent publication and the surrounding conversation, She’arim has used love as its overarching theme this current year. March 30th’s Community Learning session gives an opportunity to consider the outlines of this claim. What do we mean by Love? How could seeing love in a central role within Judaism change our perceptions of this tradition and what it expects of us?
This is not one of our quarterly Book Group sessions. Reading the book in full or part is not an expectation in advance of this discussion (though it is a rewarding read). There exist many written reviews. Also several audio and video podcasts discussions have been released. These may serve as an introduction to the book’s ideas. Some are academic, others more popular. They come from various Jewish, Christian, and Academic auspices. As the session approaches, this link will provide access to a developing resource sheet you may explore before and after the session. If the link doesn’t work for you, please email Rabbi Jonathan (email: jmalamy@gmail.com) for other formats of the material.
Steering Committee Meeting for April
Monday, March 31, 7:30pm – 9:00pm
This is being held early to accommodate Tobie’s travel schedule.
All MH members may participate.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 844 9197 1375
Passcode: 692159
We will continue to monitor and adapt our policy as conditions evolve. If you have questions or feedback, or are interested in being involved in future policy discussions, please write to mishkanhaam@gmail.com.